RE: Hello VRML
Reed M Wiedower (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 16:39:39 -0500 (EST)
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How many 17 year olds are there on the VRML circuit? I mean, I though
five months ago I (well actually, my brother as well) were the only two
(well, we actually sixteen). Shouldn't we have better things to do than
puttering around on a computer? I left my e-mail account for two TWO!!!!!
days and received over ONE HUNDRED messages from this group, most divided
between the debates on copyright protection or JAVA. Let me digesss for a
As a fellow seventeen year-old I (at the moment ) am speaking for
about 33% of this VRML age group. I think that while copyrighting is
noble and right, this is America, where everyone's out to make a buck. If
I design a model (not a too complex one) and have someone copy it, and
end up seeing it everywhere and not getting one red cent, I would be
happy that MY ( I would still remember it was mine) model was splattered
all over the place. WHile I recognize that people who are getting payed
for this work are upset that anyone would consider stealing their work,
have faith that I won't, and that the monetary benefits of doing so are
not apparent to (once again) my age group. What does the other 66% have
to say about this heated debate?
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