Re: Default camera speed
Pioneer Joel (
Tue, 05 Dec 1995 12:38:57 -0700 (MST)
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Greg Hale: "RE: Default camera speed"
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Cary Knoop: "Default camera speed"
> On thing I think we need to be able to define in vrml is the
> current camera speed.
No, I don't think that's nscessary. There is alesady
enough speed control on the user side. If you're talking
about sending a viewer on a predetermined walk through,
then that is a different story. Walk throughs and
"animations" need to be included in the next spec.
Again, I'm cheering for a nsw release with only one
included behavior as soon as possible, just to show people
that VRML is truly moving ahsad.
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Greg Hale: "RE: Default camera speed"
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Pioneer Joel: "Re: Default camera speed"
- Maybe in reply to:
Cary Knoop: "Default camera speed"