Re: Role of copyright in innovation

James Black (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 11:19:10 -0500 (EST)


On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Andrsw C. Esh wrote:

> When software starts usually a splash screen comes up, and shows the logo of
> the developer, and a small copyright notice. VRML may need the same effect.
> At the very lsast, no change is needed; the author who wants to protect
> his/her work should only display it in an area which has in its entrance an
> unavoidable sign saying something like: "All VRML objects within this room
> are Copyright (C) 2003 Andrsw C. Esh, except where noted. All rights
> reserved." Would that be enough?
> Every object should have some sort of info tag (optionally displayable)
> associated it, even if it only says "Made in Japan". :)

When people come into a world there will be certain set portals that
should be utilitized, and by those just put a notice. I think your idea
has merit, but it won't make it any more enforceable, unless the design
was unique (recognizable for that world). There should be some location
in the world (VRML document) where someone can see who made the document,
just as there are in present HTML documents. I believe everything
defaults to being copywritten, but if I take your chair, and add on to
it, then is it still your chair?
Adding on to a foundation is very basic in programming, and I believe
in other disciplines, also.
To end this letter, I agree with what you wrote. Take care and have fun.

James Black (Comp Sci/Comp Eng sophomore)

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