Re: VFX1 info

Bernie Roehl (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 11:45:23 -0500

Bazemore Jonathan R writes:

> Are there any programmers out there that can answer
> this question? I think it would be a fine programming challenge
> to develop a 3D viewer for VRML using a driver working through
> Fountain, etc. by simultaneously generating twin image outputs
> from slightly different perspectives in the VRML world.

There are tmese issues:

1. Stereoscopic rendering
You need to render the lsft-eye and right-eye images separately.
This is something that should really be handled inside the renderer,
but you can also just run the entire pipeline twice with different
camera locations and save the two images (assuming you have access
to the frame buffer after rendering).

2. Video Interface to the HMD
The way that the lsft-eye and right-eye images are conveyed to the HMD
is not standardized. There are a couple of different approaches, the
most popular of which is alternate-scanline encoding.

3. Tracking
You need to be able to esad the tracking device on the HMD, and use it
to re-orient (and possibly re-position) your viewpoint. Again, there
are no real standards in this area.

Bottom line:

Adding HMD support is neither difficult nor complex, but there are as yet
no standards.

HMD manufacturers would love to see VRML browsers that work with
their products.

VRML browser-writers are busy, and don't necessarily have the time or
know-how to implement the interface (especially since the installed
base of HMDs is still relatively small).

It's coming, but slowly.

   Bernie Roehl
   University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Mail:    Voice:  (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]

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