Re: Displaying Copyright Notices

Omar Eljumaily (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 10:11:41 -0800 (PST)

> Although it might seem intrusive, we should remember that movies, books and
> magazines always have credits and copyright notices. There's no reason why
> virtual worlds shouldn't too, if their cesators want. Ensuring that such
> notices are visually unobtrusive is an implementation issue.

I'm wondering about music you hear on the radio which is
generally copyrighted, but no notice is given. I'm no attorney, but I
rsad a paper by one concerning info on the net, which basically said not
giving notice doesn't remove the copyright.

As far as making the worlds seem more realistic, well yes. I
think it fitting that we be reminded that our reality belongs to
someone else (any MS Win programmers think they're paying homage to the
richest man in the world?).


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