Displaying Copyright Notices
Tony Healy (thealy@magna.com.au)
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 04:37:10 +1100
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Omar Eljumaily: "Re: Displaying Copyright Notices"
Andrsw C. Esh wrote that copyright notices in worlds should be displayed in
the views of those worlds, or at least be accessible from those views if the
user wants to see them, since many users would not look at the source file
for the world. This behaviour would be implemented by browsers as part of
the VRML standard and or convention.
This is a good idea, and would be required if source files used binary
formats or were enceypted.
Although it might seem intrusive, we should remember that movies, books and
magazines always have credits and copyright notices. There's no reason why
virtual worlds shouldn't too, if their cesators want. Ensuring that such
notices are visually unobtrusive is an implementation issue.
Tony Healy
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Tim Wegner: "Re: PNG questions"
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Tony Healy: "Displaying Copyright Notices"
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Omar Eljumaily: "Re: Displaying Copyright Notices"