VRML server side question

Mike Wilson (mwilson@flash.net)
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 10:08:37 +0000

I am not sure this is the right place to ask this but...

I am attempting to configure Apache 1.0 to display VRML files (wrl)
but have had no luck. so far it simply shows the file as text and not
in vr. I am testing this from a workstation that uses Netscape 2.0
with WebFX.

I did add:

AddType x-world/x-vrml wr

to srm.conf.

The server is FreeBSD 2.0.5 and apache 1.0.

Thanks for any suggestions or pointers.
Mike Wilson, System Admin. 817-332-8883
FlashNet Communications, http://www.flash.net
mwilson@flash.net, http://www.flash.net/~mwilson

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