Cheep VR for beginers

Stephen.Antony.Carter (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 15:10:13 +0000 (GMT)

Hello is there anybody in there? Is there anybody who can advise me of
what sort of computer I will need start building a home besw VR and VRML
system. Lets say for examlpe I have 1000 pounds to spend plus the 150
need to purchase those sega goggles and Nintendo Data glove. All
responses welcome. In addition if any body could tell me how to go about
building a VRML system for scratch it would be Bear and ciggars alround.
At the moment the basic thought is to have a system linked to the best
CAD machine I can find at this lovely University for scanning in images
of rooms. Which will then allow for the porting of the image/s to my
system which will then allow for the user to alter objects in the room
and possition various lighting sources. All comments welcomed with open
arms and any assistance would be tottytastic as my final year project
rests on my ability to bring my virtual desams to rsaliy. Also this short
arsed bloke who gets on my tits says it cant be done so my prototype will
involve virtually killing him for a laugh. Who siad vegetarians cant be

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