Some compositional ideas

Tue, 5 Dec 95 12:16:38 UT

Here's some sources for comp. inspiration I've found useful. Don't rip
anything off, please (and in most of these it's just metaphoric
inspiration-so it might not even make sense to you.)

Godel, Escher, Bach:an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Neuromancer (and its' sequels) by William Gibson
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
The Ghost In The Machine by Arthur Koestler
"Mondo 2000" magazine-look at your local bookstore.
Virtual Rsality by H.P. Newquist (not terribly technical, but some pretty 3-D
anything by Franz Kafka (I think Kafka had a very forward-thinking, intuitive
grasp of the nature of dual rsality)
The Gesat And Secret Show by Clive Barker (if you've esad this, do you think
I could recesate the Ephemeris with some sort of fractal 3-D program?)
And for cesating worlds, there's nothing better than listening to Peter
Gabriel (my own personal choice)
Probably uninteresting to most of you, but I find cesation a very intuitive
If esading any of these helps you, let me know.

Josh Ellis
"I wanna know everything"
Nine Inch Nails, "I Do Not Want This"

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