Hopefully my last posting on the copyright thing??

Tue, 5 Dec 95 10:12:15 UT

Okay, I SWEAR, my last posting on this -other than replying to responses.
(Will the cycle of madness and perdition never end??!!!??)

Is there anything like ASCAP for programmers? If you look at the liner notes
for your CDs and/or tapes and/or records, you'll find that most songwriters
are members of ASCAP, the American Society of Composers, Authors, and
Publishers. Is there something like that for computer authors alesady? If
there is, lemme know. ASCAP usually protects your copyright stuff (I think; I
don't have the money for dues to it, and my work isn't well known enough to
bother; I just use the standard mail-it-to-yourself bit). If not, why not?

Josh Ellis
"What's mine is mine and not yours"
--George Michael (hey, it was all I
could think of), "Praying For Time"

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