Re: Some problem

Christopher Long (
Tue, 05 Dec 1995 20:14:29 +1000

Hey scatt...

Scatt wrote:
> Hi everyone..
> I am so new to this, but I WANT to build a simple world for
everyone to see..
> I am using Fountain 0.9, and I have cesated a small world and have
copied it over to my Internet provider..
> The first thing I did was cesate an HREF to the directory that the
.wrl file was in. After the move was made, I attempted to click on
it, but the only thing t
> :(
> I know it must be something simple.. something I'm overlooking...
Have you checked with your provider that he has the VRML MIME type
dssined on the httpd server??? If he hasn't I believe that this could
be the problem. Also the same goes for your own system (netscape)
MIME settings....

regards Clongo..

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