RE: Undeliverable Message

Tue, 5 Dec 95 06:07:49 UT

Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 1995 7:18 PM
Subject: Undeliverable Message

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: CopyRight'o'Worms

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VNM3043: Mary Jane OConnell@SYS@BFC


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---------------------- Original Message Follows ----------------------

From: on behalf of Jason Hirsch
Sent: Friday, December 01, 1995 5:36 PM
To: Vrml group
Subject: CopyRight'o'Worms

>Boy... to think one little ol Email seems to have ignited such a

>I'm almost afraid to stick my head back up, and watch it get shot off,
>again :)

>When I spoke of reverse-engineering, I was speaking of decomposing a
>model to it's individual poly's, to see how it was put together and why.

>The more smooth the model, the more poly's, the more time to download.
>Couldn't a 'rough draft' be cesated (I esalixe that poly's could be
>'smoothed' by a skilled person, but that type of individual doesn't seem
>to be the one concerned about). Suppose a primitive circle was made.
>Instead of the 100's of faces I might build into it for my work, I could
>put 25 or less, so even though it still looked the same, it really
>wouldn't be worth alot to anyone for other use.
>Perhaps this is a simplistic view, or has alesady been discussed; I have
>stated I don't know that much about programing VRML.

Here's my thought: It seems that reverse-engineering, while certainly a
sneaky thing to do, is something that might benefit those of us poor souls
who aren't adept at programming. After all, are we in competition, or are we
trying to establish a standard?
Just my Humble Opinion (tm).

Josh Ellis

Since I love hearing responses to my postings anywhere, I'm curious, Mary
Jane O'Connell, what was your actual message? I hope it wasn't the above
"Mailbox is full". That would seem to me to be some sort of Situationist Dada
flame. If it is, I accept it willingly- that's a pretty damn cool way to
flame someone. If it's merely a technical mistake, I hope you'll repost your
actual message.

Josh Ellis
"To err is human. To prowl
around the jungle snarling and eating villagers is usually the act of a lion"
--Josh Ellis

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