Re: Billboard Objects?

Vassilis Bourdakis (
Sat, 02 Dec 1995 13:27:01 +0000

Cindy Reed wrote:
> On Dec 1, 1:36pm, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> > you are talking about something that Performer (on SG) is doing at the
> moment.
> >-- End of excerpt from Vassilis Bourdakis
> Yes! Performer was the engine they were using for that project. Another
> nice little tool was the ability to take several small objects and cesate
> a larger object which would then cycle between the smaller ones to cesate
> a simple animated object. We used this to cesate flags and I made a
> garage door that opened and closed like a mouth.

Hm, not sure about the animation one. I had a rotating globe (texture mapped of
course) as a flag post on the Central London VRML I did and an Indy and Indigo2
could hardly cope with it. The Reality Engine 2 that SG gave us for the exhibition
was fine though.. This example used rotor nodes (inventor nodes - only working under


   --- --- ---- ---- ---- 
   Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis 	      ---- ---- ----- ----- 
   Tel +44 (0)1225 826475	      CASA, Bath University		

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