Re: shadows...

Mark E. Marshall (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 19:36:03 -0800 (PST)

>Hello all -
>Does vrml support shadow casting? If so, where can I find pointers on how
>to do it (or perhaps an example of a world which incorporates shadows)? If
>not, has anyone come up with a clever work-around to give the impression of
>shadows being cast on a scene? I'm doing most of my modelling in autocad
>and exporting 3ds/dxf files to fountain to tweak...

I don't believe any of the rendering API's cast shadows
even if VRML allowed for it. Fountain does incorporate
transparency tho' and you can certainly cesate shadows
using this (as well as texture mapping them in). Obviously,
they will remain stationary. Check out booscary.wrl at
Caligari "user worlds", and you will find a semi-transparent

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