Re: shadows...
Gavin Bell (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 19:26:13 -0800
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Mark E. Marshall: "Re: shadows..."
> >Does vrml support shadow casting?
> VRML doesn't have any support for shadows.
> Any thoughts folks?
VRML doesn't need any more support for shadows, in my opinion. There's
nothing stopping a browser from showing shadowed VRML worlds today, except
that nobody knows how to do it fast enough to make it worthwhile.
The VRML spec doesn't _require_ shadows to be generated (that would be
stupid, it is WAY too slow), but it doesn't _prevent_ them from being
generated, either.
--gavin (, (415)933-1024)
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Mark E. Marshall: "Re: shadows..."
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Gavin Bell: "Updated behaviors proposal from SGI"
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david richard: "shadows..."
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Mark E. Marshall: "Re: shadows..."