Updated behaviors proposal from SGI

Gavin Bell (gavin@krypton.engr.sgi.com)
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 19:21:14 -0800

There is a new behaviors proposal from SGI at:

It is based on feedback received from the VRML behaviors workshop,
extensive discussions with Mitra (which are still ongoing-- we're in the
middle of working out a single proposal, which we hope to be able to bring
to VRML '95), many ideas that have appeared on the VRML mailing lists, ...

Discussions about it probably belong on the vrml-behaviors mailing list,
but I thought I'd post a pointer here just so people know that it exists.

To get on the vrml-behaviors mailing list:
(this from http://www.sdsc.edu/SDSC/Partners/vrml/repos_mailing.html):
Technical discussion on describing behaviors within VRML. Topics
include how to add interaction and animation behaviors to VRML,
scripting language issues, implementation details, and so forth.

To subscribe, email to listserv@sdsc.edu. In the message body type:

add vrml-behaviors

To unsubscribe, email to listserv@sdsc.edu. In the message body type:

delete vrml-behaviors

--gavin     (gavin@sgi.com,  (415)933-1024)
My home page:  http://reality.sgi.com/employees/gavin_engr/
Inventor Info: http://www.sgi.com/Technology/Inventor.html
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