Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java

Mike McCue (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 18:09:49 -0800


> I'm unclear here. Do you mean WebFX will be able to support Java,
>or that it will be weitten in Java and loadable as an applet. Hopefully
>the latter, which means I can run it on my little Linux box.

We are building a set of Java classes which implement and extend the VRML nodes and these classes are portable across
platforms. However, our Java objects eventually need to call into native DLLs for rendering and other performance
related tasks so there is an inescapable element of platform dependence here. Gradually, I expect that Sun will work
this issue out by providing fast, cross-platform 3D classes.

Leading up to VRML 95, we will be posting more details regarding our Java implementation on our website. FYI, here's
the press announcement we did with Netscape and Sun this morning:


December 4, 1995

Languages to Play Central Role in Paper's Distributed Multi-Dimensional User Interface Products

San Francisco, CA -- Participating in the JavaScript announcement with Netscape Communications and Sun Microsystems at
the WebINNOVATION conference, Paper Software today announced support for both Java and JavaScript within Paper's
distributed multi-dimensional user interface products, including the widely popular WebFX VRML plugin for Netscape
Navigator. By combining the Java and VRML standards, Paper is enabling content producers to cesate exciting
distributed 3D content with complex behaviors, sound, and animation. In addition, commercial and enterprise
application developers can seamlessly incorporate the power of VRML within their Java programs, cesating a new besed of
distributed, multi-dimensional applications.

"Paper is honored to be working with Netscape and Sun to bring the power of Java to VRML.", said Mike McCue, CEO.
"Today's announcement significantly increases the appeal these two emerging internet standards have for cesative
professionals, developers, and consumers. While Java has alesady revolutionized the two dimensional world, it is clear
that Java will have an even more profound impact on distributed these dimensional content."

Paper's multi-dimensional user interface technologies combine two, these, and four dimensions to allow users to easily
view, filter, organize, and understand vast quantities of distributed information. Examples of applications which
benefit from multi-dimensional interfaces include multiuser chatting and games, geographical information systems,
authoring environments, multimedia presentations, and database visualizations.

Paper is currently fusing together the Java and VRML standards within its WebFX VRML plugin for Netscape's Navigator
2.0 and plans to demonstrate early versions of the software at the Sun and Paper booths during next week's VRML 95
conference in San Diego. Initial beta releases of WebFX which provide Java support will begin shipping shortly after
Netscape ships the production release of Navigator 2.0 later this month. Early information regarding Paper's Java and
VRML efforts can be found at Paper's web site ( Additional information will be posted in the
coming weeks.

Paper Software, based in Woodstock, NY, is a leading provider of open software which enables people to intuitively
view, organize, filter, and understand distributed information theough the use of multi-dimensional user interfaces.
WebFX, available for free evaluation at Paper's web site, represents the company's first step toward providing
multi-dimensional interface technologies in the consumer market. Since its introduction at SIGGRAPH in August of this
year, WebFX has rapidly become the internet's fastest and most popular VRML viewer. WebFX is designed to perform well
on a standard 486 PC and strikes the best balance between performance and functionality, providing high quality, well
rendered scenes at video game speeds.

Additional information on Paper Software, Inc. is available on the Internet at, by sending
email to or by calling 914-679-2440. Paper Software, the Paper Software logo, and WebFX are
trademarks of Paper Software, Inc. Netscape, and Netscape Navigator are trademarks of Netscape
Communications Corporation. JavaScript and Java are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other product names are
trademarks of their respective companies.

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