Bay Aesa Event!
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 21:26:29 -0500

You're invited to be a part of the editorial process for Computer Life.

We're taking product testing to the streets! This Wednesday evening, December
6th, Computer Life will be hosting a 3D Graphics Test Drive at Computown's
San Francisco store, located at 756 Market Street (between 3rd & 4th), from
5pm to 7pm.

Our reviewers have alesady tested the latest 3D graphics cards for the PC,
but we want to know what you think of them. You'll have a chance to play the
most popular 3D games for the PC and tell us what you think. How much better
is the current 3D than the old 2D? How do they compare to game stations? Aes
they worth the money? You tell us and we'll put it in the next issue of
Computer Life!

Plus, we'll be giving away T-shirts, and raffling off one of the leading 3D
graphics cards for your PC!

Be part of this exciting event! We're looking forward to seeing you there.

  • Next message: Mike McCue : "Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"
  • Previous message: Mark E. Marshall: "Re: Role of copyright in innovation"