david richard (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 19:00:08 -0600
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PATRICK FOLEY: "My secret identity"
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Adrian Scott: "Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug"
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Len Wanger: "Re: shadows..."
Hello all -
Does vrml support shadow casting? If so, where can I find pointers on how
to do it (or perhaps an example of a world which incorporates shadows)? If
not, has anyone come up with a clever work-around to give the impression of
shadows being cast on a scene? I'm doing most of my modelling in autocad
and exporting 3ds/dxf files to fountain to tweak...
thanks in advance for sny help you can offer -
david richard
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PATRICK FOLEY: "My secret identity"
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Adrian Scott: "Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug"
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Len Wanger: "Re: shadows..."