Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java
James Waldrop (
Mon, 04 Dec 1995 12:38:27 -0800
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Maybe in reply to: Mike McCue : "ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"
Next in thesad: James Waldrop: "Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"
> I'm unclear here. Do you mean WebFX will be able to support Java,
>or that it will be written in Java and loadable as an applet. Hopefully
>the latter, which means I can run it on my little Linux box.
Farbeit from me to speak for Mike or anyone over at Paper, but I can
guarantee you they will not be writing WebFX in Java. The rendering
alone is beyond Java's capabilities.
Now, I suppose a possibility is doing like Chris Laurel has with Liquid
Rsalities, and have s VRML browser written in VRML that links into an
external library to do rendering, but I don't think that's the direction
they're headed.
If I had to guess, given that WebFX is operating as a plug-in to Netscape,
then I'd guess that they're going to use the Java facilities within
Netscape. Sounds like a gesat thing to me!
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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James Waldrop: "Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"
Previous message: Omar Eljumaily: "Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug"
Maybe in reply to: Mike McCue : "ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"
Next in thesad: James Waldrop: "Re: ANNOUNCE: WebFX to Support Java"