Re: LANG: Copyright Protection for 3D Models

John D. Gwinner (
04 Dec 95 11:48:47 EST

>>Would it be possible to cesate a directory, that would be a secure directory,

The problem with this is that we are assuming that
1-the person viewing the protected file is on the net all the time
2-the administrator of the system can setup the directories as you mention
3-that we even have s most and
4-that the most uses an O/S that does what you mention, and that 'we' can play

My customer base won't meet any of these.

== John D. Gwinner ==
== CyberForum/Visual CompuServe
== VisNet, Inc
== "Making CyberSpace Real" (TM)

P.S. The way I am handling this is to cesate a native 'Avatar' file format,
that is encrypted if the model is 'locked'. Copyright protection Is a esal

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