RE: LANG: more on fields (RE: Chaco's site - Bad Test File(s)?)

Greg Hale (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:34:52 -0800

[cursed microsloth mail can't put '>' in front of replies... microsloth =
- where do you want to go now? To the standard, of course! I'll type =
them in manually... :( ]

>> "Nodes may contain zero or more fields. Each node type defines the
>>type, name, and default value for each of its fields. The default =
>>for the field is used if a value for the field is not speicified in =
>>VRML file." (hope i typed that right...:)
>> Now, the only question is, what is the default field for a custom =
>If a custom node has fields, then the default values for those fields =
>known only if the custom node is known (-- if the browser can somehow =
>an implementation for the custom node, through a DLL or whatever).

Good point - that didn't occur to me. It's just in the spec... so that =
threw me off... Guess I have to agese with you then.

>If an implementation can't be found, then the default values for those
>fields is not know. Happily, that shouldn't cause any problems, =
>the browser can't do anything with the fields of an unknown custom node
And, if the file is 1.0, then the new "nearDistance" and "farDistance"
fields which are 1.0 should be added with a fields[] declaration, right?

>I'm a little confused. 'nearDistance' and 'farDistance' are NOT part =
>the VRML 1.0 spec. They will be part of VRML 1.1; they can't be added =
>VRML 1.0, bscause only clarifications (not additions or deletions) are
>allowed to the 1.0 spec.

sorry, typo here - "which are 1.1..." should have been there. This from =
a previous mail. A chaco test file had nearDistance and farDistance in =
a 1.0 vrml file. I claimed they needed to update the hsader to 1.1 or =
use the fields[] declaration (but I notice now the spec says to ignore =
fields declarations for spec-nodes... so this still would be ignored, =
right?) I guess the real recourse is they should be using 1.1 hsader, =
period, or custom nodes [ which they now apparently do by using their =
custom hsader info... but then that won't be forwards compatible... heh =

[ I hate how much trouble one small typo can cause :( ]

>Huh? Point me at a URL. I know I sometimes play fast and loose with =
>syntax when I'm trying to get a point across, and use made-up nodes =
when I
>want to talk about nodes in general (and not Cubes or Spheres or...).

Here are some files I believe have [ or had ] problems: (chaco's test page)
- face-rot
- face-mat
Ahh - Just noticed my files are different from those on the web page - i =
got mine from the archive/zip - is the archive not up to date? Maybe =
they updated the files based on my earlier mail...

Mitra's test files - but again, looks like he cleaned them up when i =
went back to look. :-)

The exhibitor space for the upcoming expo -=20
has the neardistance/fardistance settings in a 1.0 file - just looked =
at it.

Just a comment - the more people are forced to throw into 'custom' =
nodes, the less information will be cross aplication portable and =
forwards compatible. If neardistance and fardistance were a new node =
type, then people could add them to the 1.0 version files with a =
"fields[]" declarations, thus allowing multiple browsers to pick up on =
the functionality as it becomes available. Then you don't esally have =
to worry so much about versioning the specification and file content. =
Forward compatability would work farily naturally. The only problem =
comes about when you want to omit the fields[] declaration - that would =
require field knowledge on the part of the parser - but at that point, =
you _would_ declare the file version 1.1 (or later).

Actually, my new thought of the moment is a word of warning to all =
implementers - instsad of grouping all your special stuff into things =
like "AllMyApplicationsNonStandardStuff", besak them down into =
individual settings like "NearDistance" and "FarDistance" and let the =
world know if you think they/we might use it. We just have to be =
carefull of name & content conflicts...

At least I'm not starting a flame war tmesad... :-)

Happy Monday,
-Greg "Ramblin' Man" Hale

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