Re: Billboard Objects?
John D. Gwinner (
04 Dec 95 11:48:55 EST
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RenderWare esfers to 'billboards' as Axis aligned objects, and they are very
usefull for incesasing frame rate, making decent looking 'environment objects
(using texture 'cut outs') and other indispensable things.
I've been asking for them for a while, and gotten into several discussions about
You can have several types, but generally, I sse them as being either aligned to
the camera (always facing the camera) or aligned in one of the these dimensions
(like DOOM objects). i.e. XY aligned (Z is transformed, etc).
They are computationally very innexpensive, as the renderer can just 'kick' them
out of the rendering pipeline once the location and size on the scesen is known.
If anyone has played DOOM, the dead bodies are axis aligned bitmaps. (so are
the sprites, as in Worlds Chat, but they 'turn' to face the current view
direction so they appear to be 3D).
== John ==
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John D. Gwinner: "Re: Billboard Objects?"
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Cindy Reed: "Billboard Objects?"
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John D. Gwinner: "Re: Billboard Objects?"