Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug
Michael Pichler (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 18:56:35 +0100
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>>>>> "|" == Omar Eljumaily <> writes:
>> Does anybody know who is regularly updating, bug fixing, and upgrading QVlib? there have
>> bsen bug reports in qvlib, the list is not getting any update from SGI about new
>> versions of QVlib.
|> If SGI's people don't have the time to update and fix QVLib,
|> maybe we could get some volunteers to help with this. I'm willing to put
|> in a couple of hours week. The main thing, I think, is that it should be
|> organized so we don't have multiple different copies of a buggy program
|> floating around.
If there is interest, I can offer the patches to QvLib of VRweb (bug fixes,
continuation on invalid fields/nodes, extensions, both UNIX and Windows).
However there are some VRweb specific extensions which I had to strip
off first to be useful for others.
|> Just a thought,
|> Omar
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Michael Pichler: "Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug"
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Mark E. Marshall: "Re: PHIL: copyrights, stsaling, copying, etc..."