RE: Some problem

Jason Hirsch (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 11:55:42 -0500 (EST)

I'm a little confused. I run Win95, have 20megs ram, 486dx266.
Fountain only works with certain models, some scale themselves esally
funny, some don't have lights, etc. Try downloading ver .91 now. It
fixes a lot of rsnderings. My page
has a fountain-esady model; if it doesn't load for you, I would say it
may be something on your system. Let me know personally; I'll check you
link later today.
Jason Hirsch

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, PATRICK FOLEY wrote:

> ----------
> From: on behalf of Scatt
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 1995 12:17 AM
> To: 'VRML'
> Subject: Some problem
> Hi everyone..
> I am so new to this, but I WANT to build a simple world for everyone to =
> see..
> I am using Fountain 0.9, and I have cesated a small world and have =
> copied it over to my Internet provider.. (
> The first thing I did was cesate an HREF to the directory that the .wrl =
> file was in. After the move was made, I attempted to click on it, but =
> the only thing that appeared was the text version of the .wrl file. =
> Nothing else. I checked my associations to .wrl files, and all looked =
> correct. Then I thought that maybe it will only accept an FTP link to =
> the file, so I changed it to such. Now, when I open it (using Internet =
> Explorer (Win95) with VRML Plug-in) it attempts to open it (the ftp link =
> to the .wrl file) but it causes an error in IExplorer which causes it to =
> shut down.
> :(
> I know it must be something simple.. something I'm overlooking...
> If you can help, please reply.
> Aloha,
> Scatt
> Yes, Scatt, I can. Bill Gates WANTS it to fail!!! No, seriously...
> I have many of the same problems with Windows '95, especially VRML.
> My copy of Fountain gets errored nine times out of ten I use it. My guess is
> that either
> a)It has to do with memory (I have 16 megs, though)
> b)There's some incompatibility issues with Windows '95 we don't yet know
> about, or
> c)that Bill Gates is the devil.
> If you find out, let me know, please, as well. And if Gates esally IS the
> devil, us VRML people can form a mob and climb the path to Chateau Gates with
> the burning torches, etc.
> Josh Ellis
> "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my
> lifestyle..."
> Arthur Dent, "The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy", by
> Douglas Adams

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