ANNOUNCE: Testing discussions archive

Sandy Ressler (
Mon, 04 Dec 1995 10:24:30 -0500 (EST)

I an effort to record testing issues I have added a hypermail archive to
the VRML Testing Resources page. I will be updating (by hand) an
archive of validation, conformance testing, code reliability and
VRML specification ambiguity type issues (how's that for a run on sentence).
I'd like to know if people think this is a good (or bad) idea. I don't want
to do this if people think it's a waste of time. You can
find the VRML Testing Resources page with the hypermail link at:

ta..ta...Sandy Ressler

NAME: Sandy Ressler TELE: (301) 975-3549
USMAIL: National Institute of Standards and Technology FAX: (301) 208-9371
Bldg. 225 Rm A216 EMAIL:
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

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