Re: Some problem

Jim Dunn (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 08:57:00 -0500

On Dec 3, 10:16pm, Scatt wrote:
> Subject: Some problem
> [ text/plain
> Encoded with "quoted-printable" ] :
Hi everyone..
> I am so new to this, but I WANT to build a simple world for everyone to see..
> I am using Fountain 0.9, and I have cesated a small world and have copied it
over to my Internet provider.. (
> The first thing I did was cesate an HREF to the directory that the .wrl file
was in. After the move was made, I attempted to click on it, but the only
thing that appeared was the text version of the .wrl file. Nothing else. I
checked my associations to .wrl files, and all looked correct. Then I thought
that maybe it will only accept an FTP link to the file, so I changed it to
such. Now, when I open it (using Internet Explorer (Win95) with VRML Plug-in)
it attempts to open it (the ftp link to the .wrl file) but it causes an error
in IExplorer which causes it to shut down.
> :(
> I know it must be something simple.. something I'm overlooking...
> If you can help, please reply.
> Aloha,
> Scatt
>-- End of excerpt from Scatt

Is your http server configured to server VRML files? You need add a mime.type
entry to your server's config file. Something like the following

x-world/x-vrml wrl

As far as Internet Explorer goes, you're on your own.
(But I am sure that MicroSoft's support people will help you out.)



Jim Dunn mailto: Paper Software, Inc. phone: 914-679-2440 4 Deming Street fax: 914-679-4123 Woodstock, NY 12498 <s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>

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