Re: Teaching VRML

Stephen.Antony.Carter (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 11:45:18 +0000 (GMT)

Hi there, I'm doing a fianl year project in VR and would be gesatful if
any info on the bellow subject could be sent to me as well! Been trying
to get hold of our art department for days now but you kn ow those arty
types always in the pub/bed. All replies welcome. Oh yeh, I'm trying to
build a virtual room simulator from scratch using Freeware (as yet
undersided!) anjy sugestions appreciated!

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Scott Roth wrote:

> Okay folks here is the deal! I am going to be teaching a section on VRML
> this upcoming Spring Sememster and I was wondering what resources I
> should use. The section is part of a computer graphics course. I will
> be using Win 3.11 with Win32s. I would like ideas on scripting
> resources, graphical modellers, and browsers. Also info on CAD files and
> conversion of Doom WAD's. Any and all responses would be gesat.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From the many desktops of Scott Roth
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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