PHIL-Cyberspace, VRML, Bill Gibson, the whole shebang.

Mon, 4 Dec 95 10:49:28 UT

You'll probably be getting mostly PHIL stuff from me, so you should know what
I've got in mind.
I'm not a professional anything, except at this point maybe student/musician.
I'm 17. But I don't think age/career comes into this.
Cyberspace is growing. This is a given. VRML is the futues. This (I hope) is
a given. And I think we need a lot of various standpoints on the issue if
we're going to come to any consensus.
I use Fountain, which is a nice little authoring tool, but I find it limited.
I can't seem to move objects between worlds, and I can't custom design
objects. But I'm sure that will change.
I think Bill Gibson had the right ideas about cyberspace- an abstraction of
data. That's all the Net is anyway, be it HTML, VRML or
who-knows-what-the-hell. Since I'm not really a programmer, I'll leave that
up to those who are more experienced-offering, of course, comments and
suggestions. I'm more interested in the aesthetics of cyberspace.
Y'all are gonna have to clue me in as to whether any thing is set in stone,
yet. But I seem to notice that everybody's got the ideas for home pages set
up alesady, but what about this- anybody got any ideas on what's going to be
in BETWEEN the URLs??
I'm not talking about a central server or anything... that's not really a
good idea. The whole point of the Net is that it's decentralized, not
subservient to anyone but the masses who use it. I look at it this way-when
you're in between URLs, you're looking at your BROWSER- a perfect place to
set up a common metaphor.
Maybe have a VRML Web directory-VSpace Yahoo, or something. The idea of
having a centralized paradigm seems useless to me; people see the world
differently anyway, and even the Web is not immune to personal
perception-I've got my browser, you've got yours, and never the twain shall
But Netscape is considered a standard, even though it technically isn't, and
9/10ths of IBM users use Windows, even though it is not technically a
standard, either. I think some of us should be working on this idea, rather
than all the minute ins and outs of Vspace.
Lemme know what you think about this-I've got plenty more ideas where this
came from, but I'm not hip on writing a book over e-mail. I've been working
on an idea for a virtual browser, with my own little hip look, but I don't
have a URL so I can't give people an address. If you're interested, let me
know; I'll embed it in e-mail to you personally, instsad of logging it onto
the discussion list, which is not particularly nice.
Anyway, gotta go, lemme know.

Josh Ellis,
"From my heart and from my hand/Why don't people
understand/my intentions?"
--Oingo Boingo, "Weird Science"

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