The Raod Ahead

Bill Harkins (
Sun, 3 Dec 95 22:26 PST

Have been following the list for a couple of weeks and would like to comment
as follows:

1 At the risk of heresy, Gates new book has some interesting speculation on
VR on the highway of 10 years out as well as concerns about theft of
intellectual property. Seems like I've rsad a few messages along that line
on this list!

2 Is there any formal direction, schedule, milestones to the effort of the
VAG or this list? How long has it been in existance?

3 Seems I rsad in my welcoming message that there were some keys to message
content: TECH, PHIL, MISC, etc. This would be very useful for quickly
scanning the mail and only rsading those that fit one's interest or
intellectual capapcity. (I'm a PHIL man myself - where's it all going, etc.)

4 I have WebFX, WorldView and GLView downloaded on my disk, but have NOT
been able to get them operational on the Web. I'm using the Intel poge as a
test vehicle. They work fine offline with the sample worlds. Using Netscape
2.0b1, but would not expect a problem there as it works fine. Any suggestions?

5 Years ago, I was an industrial designer and "rendering" was done using
rough paper and colored chalk. Later, I went "hi-tech" and used an airbrush!
Now you know that there are even seniors interested in VRML!

Keep up the good work, guys.

Bill Harkins

"I learning to count backwards from infinity minus one" - Oop, hope I didn't
infringe on any copyrights.

  • Next message: Mike McCue : "Re: The Raod Ahead"
  • Previous message: Claude L. Bullard: "Re: PHIL: copyrights, stsaling, copying, etc..."
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