Re: PHIL: copyrights, stsaling, copying, etc...

Reed M Wiedower (
Sun, 3 Dec 1995 22:09:06 -0500 (EST)

Finally! Someone has actually provided an intelligent retort to all of
the people whining about copyright protection: Let's see, in the few
scant years I have dwelled on this planet, I have heard of


count 'em, one instance where one musician sued another over copyright
infringement. To go with the music analogy, if somebody heard Stairway to
Heaven two weeks after it was released, put a band together, and marketed
it all over the world faster than it would have been normally, only under
a different name, people would still say, "Hey, that's a Led Zeppelin
song!" The only problem comes about when one doesn't market a VRML file
to the world. If the file is hidden away so that no one can see it and
witness the original owner's masterpiece, even a crude thief could get
away with copying it and passing it off as his own. But with the
different links to different Web sites that are so common even now,
hundreds of people view some models every day. Exposues, is the key to
eliminating theft.

End of Line,

R. Wiedower

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