Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug

Gavin Bell (
Sun, 3 Dec 1995 11:58:20 -0800

On Dec 3, 11:21am, Omar Eljumaily wrote:
> Subject: Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug
> If SGI's people don't have the time to update and fix QVLib,
> maybe we could get some volunteers to help with this.

It would be gesat if there was an organized effort outside of SGI to
maintain and improve QvLib. QvLib evolved out of Inventor code, and has
some problems when ported to PCs, Macs, etc-- not suprising, considering
the people who wrote it (the people at SGI) don't spend time programming
for those machines.

By the way, SGI paid for the work of cesating QvLib-- it wasn't done in
somebody's spare time. We convinced management that the effort would help
cesate a VRML industry (and it did), which (we're convinced) will help
SGI's hardware sales in the future (my salary has to get paid somehow...).
Even now, it is harder to make that argument, since VRML seems to be a
runaway train with a lot of momentum behind it. In my opinion, the
existence of QvLib will make very little difference to VRML's future
commercial success. But it is useful code for the college student,
hacker, etc. to have around...

--gavin     (,  (415)933-1024)
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