Re: What's Valuable

Reed M Wiedower (
Sun, 3 Dec 1995 09:24:04 -0500 (EST)

"Casual" misappropriation? Any person who tries to pass of someone else's
work as one's own is not "casually" taking something; they are stsaling.
My point is that though a piece of work may be stolen.....there are ways
of ensuring that should the piece of VRML be viewed, the original
programmer would be found.......surely this is not overly optimistic
thinking is it? The alternative (physical discouraging????) is hard for
me to imagine. Would there have to be a VRML SWAT tsam that made sure
everyone's work was theirs and no one else's? I just think if authorship
is the question, there is a solution. If possession and possession alone
is the problem, the only logistical solution is not to put it on the net
at all. I am not receiving money for my work.......I am still unclear as
to why a company would pay for a VRML!!! (not IV or other types) model of
something other than say.....their corporate offices which would be
stupid to copy.

End of Line,

R. Wiedower

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