Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug
Richard Rabbat (
Sun, 03 Dec 1995 00:55:54 -0500
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Chet Murphy wrote:
> I have found a bug in QV 1.0 source in the file QvSubField.h where the macro QV_MFIELD_SOURCE is defined for allocValues.
> The statement
> "for (int i = 0; i < num && i < numValues; i++) \"
> should be changed to:
> "for (int i = 0; i < num * numValues && i < numValues * newNum; i++) \"
> This bug only impacts MFFields that 1) have more than one element and 2) use aconstructor.
Does anybody know who is regularly updating, bug fixing, and upgrading QVlib? there have
been bug reports in qvlib, the list is not getting any update from SGI about new
versions of QVlib.
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Greg Hale: "Chaco's site - Bad Test File(s)?"