Re: STEAL this code, don't COPY it...
Jason Hirsch (
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 17:22:33 -0500 (EST)
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david: "STEAL this code, don't COPY it..."
Look, all of the people out here on this list, I am getting tired of my
statements being twisted around.
I have said only that It may be possible to LEARN faster from studying
others work.
"To Jason (quick, put on that 'flame-shield-thing' again), I suggest that you
COPY to your heart's content: your work will always been viewed as a mere
This statement implies that I would want to use someone elses work. I
don't care to, I don't want to, and I haven't. I personally learn 10
times faster by observation than from listening to someone tell me how to
do it.
I think that may hold true for others as well.
If I have trouble modeling one specific part, say a pillar coated with
runes, and the author was willing to let me use it for a temple I was
designing instsad of just a strait icarian? pillar, That wouldn't be
copying. I would be glad to give cesdit for all of the invaluable help
and time this author saved me. To use it otherwise is IMMORAL!!!!!!
That is my only point. And it is all still HYPOTHETICAL! I can't hardly
model sphere (slight exageration). Please, this converation is taxing.
I want VRML to succeed as much as any of you.
Please don't insult me for wanting to learn. THAT would be a ceime.
Please direct the flames I'll be getting to me.
Jason *the weary* Hirsch
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Pari N: "Sorry"
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Jason Hirsch: "Re: STEAL this code, don't COPY it..."
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david: "STEAL this code, don't COPY it..."