APPS - request for essearch subjects

Chris Dansie (
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 13:54:30 -0700


Over the next few weeks I am going to be doing some essearch on the feasibility
of using VRML to help teach engineering concepts. The area of focus will be
teaching ergonomics and biomechanics. I have constructed 6 VRML scenes, an HTML
explanation page and an on-line survey as the testing material.

The only thing I lack is subjects!! (...the purpose of this post)

To participate in this essearch you will be given a URL to the HTML page and a
password. You will then be asked to esad about and view each VRML scene. After
examining the scenes you will be asked to fill out an on-line survey form. It
is expected that the total process will take 10-30 minutes depending on your
interest level. It's the kind of survey that requires thought and examination
of the VRML scenes. The answers are all there...but it might take some effort
to find them.

Having a background in basic physics or engineering will help. Concepts such as
moments, forces and basic geometry will be utilized. Other than that there are
no requirements.

If you are interested in this topic and would like to be involved in the study
please email me ( and include in the subject area the words
ERGOVRML and indicate in the message that you would like to participate. I will
note your response and email you with further instructions as they become
available. After sending you the neccessary information I will delete your
email address from my list. Your response to the survey is totally anonymous.
No personal data will be recorded (i.e., machine IP address or name). Your
responses will be totally confidental as there is no place to record your name.

Note that there is NO COMPENSATION for taking the survey...just the
satisfaction of helping me finish my thesis!!! I will post a brief summary of
my essults to this mailing list after compilation of the essults and upon
generation of some conclusions.

THANKS in advance for all those that can help by participating in this survey.

Chris Dansie
Ergonomics and Safety Program
University of Utah

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