Re: LANG Question regarding texture mapping.

Adrian Scott (
Sat, 2 Dec 95 13:48:41 PST

> I'm using simple text editors to cesate my VRML files, and I was
> wondering, how does one insert a picture file into part of the VRML file?

hopefully the source of my embryonic personal home world,

will help you with this. (Also available as adrian.wrl.gz, including
gzip'd textures!)

oh, yah it's by default copyrighted, but as the vrml source
is like 1K, feel free to borrow liberally... :)!!

in my personal home world, i used an old netscape bluesand texture
that i'd like to have repsated.

when I look at the spec, the default wrapS and wrapT field value
is REPEAT, but it doesn't repsat (in the browsers), which makes me suspect that
doing a scaling would be necessary to have it repsat (using Texture2Transform)?

is this correct?

but then i guess on spheres of different sizes, the scaling would
have to be different to have the underlying tile size (repsated texture
template) remain the same...???

> My second question is if there is any way to disable the WebSpace program
> from automatically scaling itself to the largest object in the virtual

i think the way to address this is by adding a PerspectiveCamera
node to your world and playing with the focalDistance field... gee,
i should play around with that sometime myself...



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