Intellectual Property Management Forum
Mark E. Marshall (
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 10:52:19 -0800 (PST)
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John B. Chapman: "Re: Billboard Objects?"
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Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"
The "Interactive Multimedia Association" (IMA) and the
The U.S. Copyright Office are holding a technology based
IP forum on 10 January, in Washington DC. What ramification
(if any) this would have for the W3 is anyone's guess. According
to the Dec. issue of DV, "All relevant associations are invited
to present their requirements for the control and licensing of
digital content and processes. Submit papers by Dec. 15 to
IMA, 48 Maryland Ave, Suite 202, Annapolis, MD 21401-8011,
attn: Martin Gerich; or make electronic submissions to
- Next message:
John B. Chapman: "Re: Billboard Objects?"
- Previous message:
Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"