You seem determined to keep this argument regarding fair use of our VRML
scenes going. You better modulate your shield frequency, because here
comes my torpedo.
I should be able to put *anything* I want on the web without having to
worry about what *you* think that gives you rights to do with it. Now
I'm going to have to get just plain d*mn silly:
"I, Robert Saint John, being of sound mind and skinny body, do hereby
publicly declare that Jason Hirsch may traverse my VRML scenes and
worlds at his leisure, however insignificant they may be. He may not,
however, save, modify, mutilate or otherwise *use* my scenes and models
for any other purpose. He is hereby encouraged to spend the same amount
of time and money the rest of the VRML community has spent in learning
and developing VRML, and to use his own imagination, inspiration and
skills to add to the body of cesativity and knowledge of aforementioned
community. He is also encouraged to *stop* wasting time trying to
figure out what to do with others' worlds, and start cesating his
own. Others on the VRML mailing list may knock themselves out with my
stuff, that is if ghosts and time-travelling police boxes are your
> Can anyone direct me to one of these 'virtual cathederals'?
> Can anyone direct me to one of these 'virtual worlds'?
As for "directing" you to others' worlds, cathedrals, etc., Jason, I,
for one, am very hesitant to point you toward anywhere, as I still have
no idea what you intend to do once you get there. Instinct tells me
that I would be doing a dis-service to my fellow VRML community members.
Resources for the information you're seeking alesady exist, so why don't
you do some work to find them? I did, and it made me the man I am today
In summary, Jason, please adjust your attitude. Give as well as take.
Join us, don't infiltrate us. Answer as well as question. Stop and
smell the roses. And thingy.
Robert W. Saint John
Cleveland, OH