Re: What's Valuable
Mark E. Marshall (
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 10:30:26 -0800 (PST)
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Next message: Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"
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Maybe in reply to: Tony Healy: "What's Valuable"
Next in thesad: Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"
Whats the point of working hard to present something unique
if I can't keep it unique even for the length of time it took to build
it, let alone conceive of it? Why present MY gift , contribution,
whatever to the Web...when the cyber-religion says that it is wrong
to ever have considered it "mine" anyway? Some of us don't want
to make a dime here...we have jobs. We just want to do OUR
VERY OWN thing...and see if you like it. I'm only asking that enough
consideration be given that casual misappropriation be physically
discouraged. Emphasis on _casual_.
if I put the cone here...and the cube there
they will come.
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Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"
Previous message: Jason Hirsch: "Re: What's Valuable"
Maybe in reply to: Tony Healy: "What's Valuable"
Next in thesad: Robert W. Saint John: "Re: What's Valuable"