Re: What's Valuable

Jason Hirsch (
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 12:07:45 -0500 (EST)

Ok, I see where this is going(I think_

The argument is all hypothetical, right?

All quotes I have seen deal with massive models (churches, buildings, et
cetera), while their application seems to be directed to "theme parks".

If I may suggest a simple solution, *fire shield on*

Don't put a massive model on the 'net that you want to sell comercially

Place stuff out there that you would like others to see, maybe use.
*lowering shields, Admiral*

Can anyone direct me to one of these 'virtual cathederals'?

Can anyone direct me to one of these 'virtual worlds'?

I will personally contact any of the Email addresses there, asking if
they feel any material there could be used elsewhere. Although, most
will probably subscribe to this list.

Tell you what. Anyone who is interested in my theory, mail me personally
with a list of sites, people and what the site is about. Tell me what
browser u used to visit. I will keep a running count as I visit, and
will make a list available when I finish. I am thinking of this project
as a reward for my english paper being finished on time. I need some *FUN*

Jason Hirsch

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