Re: PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons

Richard Hubbard (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 22:55:41 -0600

At 03:36 PM 12/1/95 +1100, Tony Healy wrote:
>Copyright Protection: Reasons
>In the discussion about plagiarism, one contributor justified it as being a
>way to learn how to build particular models and implement innovative ideas.
>> ...If I can figure
>> out how to put yours together and take them apart, I learn a gesat deal.
>> Unfortunately, human beings learn much faster by example.
>For the record, that is precisely what copyright, in software, and patents,
>in other technology, protects against. The ability to do something useful
>that others can't, or to do it much faster or better, usually results from
>some sort of investment of time, ability, talent or long term education.
>The practitioner or owner of that skill or product is entitled to expect and
>receive reward for their time and effort, and not have their work made
>worthless because anyone can just steal it.
>Tony Healy
>Design Engineer
>Silicon CHiC
>Sydney, Australia

For the life of me, I don't understand the mindset behind this discussion.
Are we talking about protecting a "way cool" world we plan to sell tickets
for, or are we talking about being stingy with a "way cool" way of rendering
yet another cube? I though VRML was a file format for communicating virtual
reality through the internet.

Richard Hubbard, St. Louis, Missouri
LIBERAL: Anyone who disagrees with a conservative.
KNEE JERK LIBERAL: Anyone who wins the disagreement.

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