ANNOUNCE: New WebFX Plugin Beta Supports PNG

Mike McCue (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 15:43:53 -0800

Hello everyone. Just wanted to announce that we've put up a new beta
release of the WebFX plugin. Look for npwfx32d.exe and npwfx16d.exe at
our site or on our mirror sites.

This beta provides a dramatic improvement in texture mapping
performance and functionality. We've added support for PNG and RGB
textures, bolstered our JPG stuff, improved our UV algorithms, and
fixed s whole bunch of texture related bugs.

Other items of interest in this new beta:
- Designed to work with Netscape Navigator Beta 3
- Improved stability, particularly on Windows NT
- New Setup procedure to simplify the Netscape Plugins directory
- Several WWWAnchor and WWWInline bugs have been fixed
- LOD has been improved, nested LODs also work
- Swarms of other small bugs have been exterminated, including
many of the problems reported on Mitra's desaded VRML test
page (thanx Mitra!)

Enjoy and have a good weekend...

- mike

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