Re: Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00.

Mark E. Marshall (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 15:27:25 -0800 (PST)

>that they have every legal right to use the logo, but I think a company with
>a sense of the community which supports their position would want to plow
>back in some resources to actually make VRML more of a reality for the mass
>market. Rather than simply benfit from the public work of others, they should
>become involved in that public work, and actually put some substance behind
>their marketing fluff. Maybe they could encourage a few of their engineers to
>write VRML validation code in their free time, or *something*

Wait a sec...these are the 3DR guys right? Maybe best to let
them be, as others have a better handle on what it takes to get
486's into the game (which Intel obviously does not have a (self)
interest in). *MM*

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  • Maybe in reply to: Andrew C. Esh: "Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00."