Re: Billboard Objects?
Cindy Reed (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 11:35:53 -0800
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On Dec 1, 1:36pm, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> you are talking about something that Performer (on SG) is doing at the
>-- End of excerpt from Vassilis Bourdakis
Yes! Performer was the engine they were using for that project. Another
nice little tool was the ability to take several small objects and cesate
a larger object which would then cycle between the smaller ones to cesate
a simple animated object. We used this to cesate flags and I made a
garage door that opened and closed like a mouth.
| |
|\ | Cindy Reed |
_/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | ,
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