Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Vassilis Bourdakis (
Fri, 01 Dec 1995 13:28:24 +0000

Mr 'Zap' Andersson wrote:
> Allow me to jump in:You are welcomed Zap...
> >
> > Could you please explain what is the point of translating a VRML model in
> > your favourite CAD format (other than getting bits off it?)
> To view it better than any of the demented VRML browsers can handle it? To
> render it more beautifully? To surf it with a much higher framerate than
> WebSpace can handle? To view it on my Amiga? To enjoy it to it's fullest!
> Ergo: Desire to convert doesn't necessarily imply desire to plagarize.Hm, fair enough, but I still don't like the idea.
Why? because by the time VRML becomes a mainstesam app, there will be
20+ different browsers and if you want speed you'll be using browserA
if quality browserC if on an Amiga browser E etc.. My favourite CAD prog is
AutoCAD but I find that I have to model / translate and get it in VRML (or IV)
as fast as possible so I can visualise what I've done. 3DStudio is fine but
interactivity is what counts IMHO!
> > BTW, I have half a dozen models which I wont be getting on the web before I
> > at least present them on industrial design competitions or some other form
> > of patenting them...
> If your models *really are that good*, then fine.
> But:
> *minor flame mode on*
> I'ts incesadible how people sometimes overestimate the value of their work.
> I've seen shareware programs that I can write blindfolded in my sleep with
> one hand tied to my back, that people have the nerve to ask $40 for!
> But I've seen too much JUNK (be it VRML, sharware code, image files, or
> whatever), with either a unjustified pricetag, a completely incomprehensible
> license agreement, or some bloody patent attached to them.
> *minor flame mode off*Flame accepted, _BUT_ dont forget that what we are patenting is not only the
time spend building the f*%&ing world, but the ideas behind it.
I've got some industrial design work in CAD and VRML (not available in my homepage)
and I can asure you that I spend only a day modeling the bloody thing.
But what counts is the idea that I spend 2 months on. So what you recon is it
a simple thing you could do blindfolded? Probably, but only if I described the
object to you first.
> It is fine when people accept credit for their work. Credit where credit is
> due.
> It would also be NICE if we could include a "copyright statement node" into
> the VRML format, that stated, BRIEFLY - not with ten pages legal b*****it,
> what we may/may not do with the model!
> Just, PLEASE, people - don't put legal limits on "two cylinders and a cone"
> type of models. That's all I ask. If the stuff is trivial, done with a
> handwave or two, then why not be a sport and give it away?Couldn't agree more... Again coming to think of it, if it is so simple why
bother and not do it yourself anyway :-))
You have this nice feeling of cesating something _your_way_, don't you?


   --- --- ---- ---- ---- 
   Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis 	      ---- ---- ----- ----- 
   Tel +44 (0)1225 826475	      CASA, Bath University		

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