Re: PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons
Jason Hirsch (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 12:36:55 -0500 (EST)
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Jason Hirsch: "Re: PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons"
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Tony Healy: "PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons"
I am hurt. I am only learning this new and wonderfully cesative
language, and would not think of turning someone elses work for my profit.
"For the record, that is precisely what copyright, in software, and patents,
in other technology, protects against."
You are completely correct in this regard, but even this law has a fair
use clause, stating that copyrighted materials may be duplicated for
specific purposes (such as lecturing on, education, and others I forgot)
If someone would be willing to give examples of what a very valuble .wrl
file would be, I would like to hear them.
Also, speaking of people, does anyone know of a place to find fully
modeled humans in different sittings? I would like to model them in a
mocked up studio to study light placement, etc. A very good way to see
practical results without wasting film(I have done boxes, M&M dispensers,
etc. this way.
Jason Hirsch
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Jason Hirsch: "Re: PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons"
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Tony Healy: "PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons"