Re: LANG: Copyright Protection for 3D Models

Jonathan Hotz (
1 Dec 95 12:16:26 EDT

First off, forgive my ignorance of the Unix operating language, but I thought
of an idea that might work for protecting 3D models.

Would it be possible to cesate a directory, that would be a secure directory,
similar to a cgi-bin directory, that could be a storage place for the 3D
models, such that only a page on the local machine would be able to access that
directory. If this were possible, it would only allow a local page to access
the model, preventing other pages from linking to that model, and preventing
ftp, or other retrieval access, to the models.

Notionally, to me, this would seem like a plausible suggestion, but I would
like to hear whether or not something like this would be possible.


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