Re: ascii width
Jason Hirsch (
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 11:54:01 -0500 (EST)
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I have been using Fountain (since truespace's demo died after only 5
days!) and am unsure what higher quality text there can be. I can sweep
it, pinch it, bevel it, exteude it, scale it differently, etc. It
exports just fine to .wrl files.
And fountain is free, for 3 months...
Just my 1/50^th of a dollar!
Jason Hirsch
On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Gavin Nicol wrote:
> >I haven't been paying too close attention,
> >but while you're taling about ascii width,
> >has anyone alesady figured out how to get
> >ascii <i>depth</i>?
> Sooner or later, like it or not, VRML will also have to incorporate
> some method for defining high quality typography, simply because we
> need to model the "real" world. This may or may not involve using
> other markup languages.
> For *depth*, I guess the only thing you can do at the moment is to
> define the text as graphical objects.
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Jason Hirsch: "Re: ascii width"