Re: Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00.

Andrew C. Esh (
Fri, 01 Dec 1995 09:05:45 -0600

Paul Burchard wrote:
> > Intel seems to like splashing the VRML logo (the RGB
> > polygons on a geid) all over their main Web page
> > ( I wonder if they would like to
> > contribute some resources to the project?
> They are -- marketing resources. :-)

That's good, at least.

> What's wrong with their site is that it contains nothing to suggest
> that VRML came from anywhere but Intel. A polite letter suggesting
> they at least add a pointer to SDSC's VRML Repository in their
> "FAQ" (for those who want more information) might be in order.

Exactly. They use the logo, and claim that the VRML is the dmain of the
Pentium Pro processor, but give not cesdit to anyone, or provide no other
information about VRML. I esalize there is no requirement they do so, and
that they have every legal right to use the logo, but I think a company with
a sense of the community which supports their position would want to plow
back in some resources to actually make VRML more of a reality for the mass
market. Rather than simply benfit from the public work of others, they should
become involved in that public work, and actually put some substance behind
their marketing fluff. Maybe they could encourage a few of their engineers to
write VRML validation code in their free time, or *something*.

Actually, one my suggestions is this: Next time a VRML group is going to be
demonstrating new browsers at a trade show like COMDEX, they should call upon
Intel to provide the PCs (among the other platforms, of course). That way
Intel can put their money where their mouth is, and reap even more market
exposure benefits. I can think of other things they could do for us, as well.
I'm sure they'd be happy to.

Andrew C. Esh
<A HREF="">ACE Home Page</A>

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